The new normal – Corona times in the translations world

Wonders never seize!  When the Covid-19 pandemic made face masks an everyday essential, Japanese startup Donut Robotics spotted an opportunity. As people around the world are being urged to wear face masks when out in public, it hasn’t taken long for the functionality of a mask to be greatly enhanced but thanks to technology. The Donut Robotics has created a smart mask (C-Face smart mask) – a high-tech upgrade to standard face coverings, designed to make communication and social distancing easier through translations.

How the smart face mask works in conjunction with the translations world

Conjointly with an app, the C-Face Smart mask can transcribe dictation amplify the wearer’s voice, and translate speech into eight different languages. As you’d expect, the mask doesn’t work on its own, its instead relying on a wireless link (Bluetooth) to a smartphone and Donut Robotics’ software. The associated app uses machine learning developed with the help of translation experts and specializes in the Japanese language to handle language translations. Most competitor apps focus on translating to and from English. Donut Robotics CEO Taisuke Ono claims it’s “better than Google API, or other popular technologies” for Japanese.

Donut Robotics first developed the translations software for a robot called Cinnamon but when the pandemic hit, the robot project was put on hold. That’s when the team’s engineers came up with the idea to use their software in a facemask.

The new normal corona times in the translations world

The cutouts on the front are vital for breathability, so the smart mask doesn’t offer protection against the corona virus. Instead, it is designed to be worn over a standard face mask, explains Donut Robotics CEO Taisuke Ono. Made of white plastic and silicone, it has an embedded microphone that connects to the wearer’s smartphone via Bluetooth. The system can translate between Japanese and Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, English, Spanish and French.

The impact of Smart face masks in communication amidst Covid-19 Social distancing rules

The mask’s Bluetooth chip can connect to smartphones up to 32 feet (10 meters) away, says Ono. He hopes the mask will make new social distancing norms in locations including hospitals and offices easier, by enabling good communication.

“We still have many situations where we have to meet in person,” he says. “In this new normal … the mask and the app are very helpful.”

The future of these new normal smart face masks

The company is expecting to make the mask available from January 2021 at a cost of roughly $38. If you want to take advantage of the translations and dictation features, there’s going to be a monthly charged, but the ongoing cost has yet to be disclosed. It also seems likely this will be the first of many smart masks to appear in the coming months, because companies are now realizing this is a new category of wearable and there’s the potential for millions of customers.

Why your business shouldn’t lag behind in the new normal times – Covid-19 times

Simply take a look why you need language translations services even in the new normal era:

  • Due to the pandemic, most businesses have switched to online operation. And so, you need translations for the growth of your online business. Though online businesses generally target a particular group of people of a country sometimes it has been seen that visitors from other countries also visit your website. Language translation services provide a translator medium which translates your website into different languages.
  • Hiring language translation services helps you attract a large audience to your business. In business, the products should speak the language but to advertise your products and services and to reach a global audience, you need a medium. Translations will increase your business to an extent you wouldn’t have ever thought.
  • There are many companies that need a translation of the technical text. Outsourcing language translation services in Africa helps you concentrate on your business goals and the translation work to be done by the efficient team of translators. You invest a little money and in return, you get to expand your business globally.
  • Language translations are specially used in travel and tourism. Translators are required to translate the history of the nation to the tourists visiting the country for vacation.

Language translation services have a huge scope in every field.

  • Localization translators have an aim of spreading the product information in different languages and cultures. They possess a high degree of knowledge about the product and the local users of the product. The main aim of the localization translators is to adapt the product information from where it has been manufactured and spread it where it will be actually sold.
  • Then there are specialized business translators who translate the information of finance, e-commerce, marketing among others to the dealers from other corners of the world. The aim is to expand the business. They possess great knowledge of business as well as both the languages.
  • Medical translators and interpreters promote communication between the hospital management and the patients. Medical translators have strong knowledge of both medical as well as conversational terms in both the languages.
  • Conference interpreters generally work in international forums where the people come from all around the world. Conference interpreters are a pro at translating languages into active as well as passive form during this new normal era.

Language translation services in Africa are affordable and provide the best services for the expansion of all types of businesses whether small scale or large scale. Language translations are used everywhere, whether in tourism, business or medical department.

Take no chances!

You can’t afford to lose, adjust to the new normal just like Smart Face mask inventors did! Hire the best language translations services and reach a much wider audience in this new normal era, Covid-19 or Corona times!

Why is a Sworn translation important?

What is a sworn/certified/legal/notary public translation?

A Sworn translation simply refers to an authorized translation service, used to translate legal documents or certificates. The document is endorsed by the signature and seal of a sworn Translator who is authorized by the foreign office to translate official documents. This endorsement grants the document an official, formal status and a legal value that is equivalent to the original document. This means that the translator takes full responsibility for the accuracy of the document. This includes birth certificates, university degrees, academic records, certificates of incorporation, statutes and other official documents.

What is a certified translation?

Certified translation refers to a translation which fulfills the requirements in the country in question, enabling it to be used in formal procedures, with the translator accepting responsibility for its accuracy. These requirements vary widely from country to country. While some countries allow only state-appointed translators to produce such translations, others will accept those carried out by any competent bilingual individual. Between these two extremes are countries where a certified translation can be carried out by any professional translator with the correct credentials (which may include membership of specific translation associations or the holding qualifications). Certified translations are mandatory for legal documents such as immigration papers, birth certificates, business contracts, and court transcripts.

What is a legal translation?

A legal translation is the translation of texts within the field of law. As law is a culture-dependent subject field, legal translation is not necessarily linguistically transparent. In-transparency in translation can be avoided somewhat by use of Latin legal terminology, where possible.

What is a notary translation?

A notarized translation requires a notary public to witness the certification process. To acquire a notarized translation, the translator signs the certificate of authenticity in front of the notary. The notary then signs and stamps the document. This signed document becomes known as an affidavit, and can be used for any submission requiring this level of verification. A notarized translation is typically requested by various schools and universities for verification of application documents, previous courses taken, and diplomas in a language foreign to the school.

Why is a sworn translation important?

When certain types of documents are being translated, it is essential to have a guarantee of accuracy and legal recognition. More so if you need to present these documents to an official body, such as a court, university or a notary. In such cases, a Sworn translation is often mandatory.

A non-sworn translator cannot officially guarantee the accuracy of a translated document, as they are not qualified to do so. Thus, a regular translation of such documents will hold no value in the eyes of the authorities. A sworn translator officially guarantees the accuracy of the translated documents by signing and stamping the documents, and the assigning of a unique registration number. They also provide their credentials and contact details. When submitting legal documents, a certified translation is often obligatory.

Who is a sworn translator?

A sworn translator is a translator who has been officially sworn in by the court and is authorized to issue certified or sworn translation(s).

Is it worth paying extra for a sworn translation?

Oh yes, to a greater degree! In the translation industry, sworn translators are considered to possess the highest level of expertise. And more to that, a sworn translator is expected to be extra careful when working! More notably, a sworn translator never should he/she be slack when researching. If they are, they run the risk of being charged with negligence, perjury, or even contempt of court.

Sworn translators need to have a thorough understanding, of both the terminology and phrasing, of the languages they translate into. They agree to abide by precise rules, and to be bound by an ethical code.

Point to Note:

Sworn translation(s) can only be provided in hard copies, given that they need to be signed and stamped by the translator. However, the original documents can be passed on in any form (email, fax, among others).

As a result, Sworn translation(s) end-up more costly than any-other translation service. Nevertheless, if you need it, it’s worth extra penny!

In conclusion

Distinct countries have distinct regulations, but if you need to certify a document, usually you have to use a certified/sworn translator. You may also have to submit additional documents, such as The Hague Apostille. In some instances, you may need to get legal approval from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). (Chambers of commerce exist all over the world. They do no have a direct role in creating laws or regulations, though they may be effective in influencing regulators and legislators with their organized lobbying efforts). Regulations vary from country to country, so it is best to check with your Language Service Provider before proceeding.

All in all, Translate 4 Africa Limited prides oneself on having a number of qualified Certified Translators! For more info, please get in touch with us.

Proofreading principles

Proofreading refers to a writing process that involves experts inspecting a written document in order to identify and rectify grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary errors. It holds the very last step/position in the writing process. However, just because it comes last, does not mean that it is the least important. Proofreading is a very important element of producing a great written document, and it takes a wealth of knowledge and patience to proofread effectively.

Here are some of the insights that a professional proofreading process involves:

Proofreading generally involves one main objective and that is to ensure that a written document is absolutely perfect in terms of grammar and vocabulary. In order to achieve this, the proofreaders verify accuracy in the following areas:

  • Sentence structure
  • Formatting
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Consistency
  • Numbers

Tips for proper proofreading

Whether you are writing a magazine article, a college essay or an email to a client, getting your text free of mistakes is essential. The spell checker helps, but it is far from full proof. That is where proofreading comes in. Check below for tips and techniques on how to make your proofreading sessions more effective:

  • Concentration is key

If you’re going to spot mistakes, then you need to concentrate. That means getting rid of distractions and potential interruptions. Switch off the cell phone, turn off the television or radio and stay away from emails.

  • Put it on paper

People read differently on screen and on paper, so print out a copy of your writing. If you read aloud, your ear might catch errors that your eye may have missed.

  • Watch out for homonyms

Homonyms are words that share the same spelling or punctuation, but have different meanings. Switching right with write, wait with weight, accept with except or complement with compliment could be disastrous, so pay attention to them.

  • Watch out for contractions and apostrophes

People often mix their and they’re, its and it’s, your and you’re and so on. If there is something that can hurt the credibility of your text, it is a similar mistake. Also, remember that the apostrophe is never used to form plurals.

  • Check the punctuation

Focusing on the words is good, but do not neglect the punctuation. Pay attention to capitalized words, missing or extra commas, periods used incorrectly and so on.

  • Read it Backwards

When writing we usually become blind to our own mistakes since the brain automatically “corrects” wrong words inside our sentences. In order to break this pattern you can read the text backwards, word by word.

  • Put emphasis on the numbers/values

Stating that the value of a purchase was $20,000 instead of $200,000 is definitely not the same thing. What about the population of Uganda, is it 44.27 million or 44.27 billion? Make sure your numbers are correct.

  • Get someone else to proofread it as well

After checking all the previous points, do not forget to get a colleague or a friend to proofread it for you. You will be amazed at the mistakes you’ve missed. Your colleague will also be in a better position to evaluate whether the sentences make sense or not.

Can you do proofreading of your own work?

I would advise you not to rely fully on your own proofreading. This is because you were tirelessly involved in the creation process of the document and no matter how many times you check it, there will consistently be some errors that you miss. Your eyes may see what’s on the page but your brain will interpret what it wants or expects to read, yet in reality, it is not always actually there. As a result of this, it often takes virgin eyes to identify all mistakes in a document.

All in all

It’s advisable for you to opt for a qualified proofreader from a professional translations company (such as Translate 4 Africa Ltd) with an advanced knowledge of vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This will, therefore, be ideally placed to add value to your written document and make it shine in a manner that you couldn’t achieve yourself.

Why should you opt for video transcription to impact your campaigns the more?

The idea of needing video transcription sometimes baffles marketers and businesses until they realize; after multiple videos or campaigns, exactly how much they could benefit from having them transcribed. Transcriptions are particularly crucial for longer videos, though it’s important for you to consider leveraging them for all of your video content.

What’s the meaning of transcription and video transcription in particular?

Transcription in particular, according to Merriam Webster, is the act of making a written, printed, or typed copy of words that have been spoken while

Video transcription simply refers to the process of translating your video’s audio into text. Video transcription is done with automatic speech recognition technology, human transcriptionists, or a combination of the two.

The different types of transcription

There are three types of transcription known as verbatim, intelligent and edited transcription. Let’s see in details:


Every single word or mumble that is recorded is transcribed. Such as mmmm…., hmmmm…, I mean…, I know…, and more. Also even the emotions like laughter, excitement, fear, nervousness in voice or body language are all noted when transcribing.


This is also called “Smart Transcription” known as an accurate transcription for only the words said in the audio or video excluding the mmmm…, hmmmm…, I mean…, I know…, and more.


This transcription type is more of a summary and the transcriber omits sentences without changing the sense/meaning of the audio or video.

The type you require, length, context, and specifications of the audio file can affect the time needed and cost to transcribe the audio or video file.

A brief history of transcription

Transcription is one of the oldest, most ancient forms of documentation; a useful, and often necessary, tool put in practice for centuries. Its origins are in the Latin verb for “to transcribe” (transcribere: trans (over)+ scribere (write)). Beyond being an efficient way to keep track of important information, dictation and transcription have helped to promote further understanding in complicated fields such as from medical and legal transcription to business and government transcription. Still widely used today, transcription has a past rooted deep in history. Transcription as a form of documentation began in ancient times. Scribes as early as 3400 BCE would train in hieroglyphics and scripts in order to become employed in ancient Roman and Egyptian times. 100 years later, children would transcribe their ancient languages onto stone tablets. The written language and ancient historical documentation are made possible by transcription and those committed to transcribing (and duplicating) as much information as possible.

16th & 17th century technology

It’s understood that the invention of the printing press in 1439 led to a decline in the need for scribes, and so led to a decline in transcription for a time. However, it was around this time (or soon after, at least) that the modern English language shorthand was developed by a British physician. Formalizing this shorthand set in stone again the transcriptionist’s (or scribes’) specialty field. Scribes in the 17th century were generally used for manuscripts and other types of literature.

Why video transcription is vital for your campaign

Video transcription improves accessibility

The World Health Organization reports that more than 466 million people in the world have disabling hearing loss. Shouldn’t they be able to access and understand your content, too? Video transcription is one of the best ways to involve every individual. When your video is transcribed, you can download the transcription as an .SRT file to add captions that further boost accessibility. Video transcription also makes it easier to translate your video content into other languages, increasing the potential viewers. Users who speak another language can read a transcript in their preferred language instead of watching the video or while following the transcript while the video plays.

Improves user experience and understanding

Although it’s found-out that most consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about that product, there are still people who would prefer to read. Video transcripts help you capture both types of audiences.

It lets users skim the content before committing to watching the video.

For those who may be in a sound-sensitive environment (and forgot to bring their earbuds), transcription allows them to consume the video’s content without the use of audio. Transcription also lets users skim the content before committing to watching the video. It can also help website visitors find the right video by searching your website or playlist for a keyword used within the video.

Viewers can use a transcript to follow along with a video, potentially increasing retention of your content. (Most transcriptions include some type of timestamp, which helps reader keep up with the video.) Users also may share the transcript along with, or instead of, your video.

Make consuming your video a great experience, and users are more likely to look to you for similar content.

Helps in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Including a transcript with your video gives search engines another source of data for indexing your content. Using the transcript, search engines like Google can crawl the full text of your audio or video content, potentially increasing your organic search results. Videos also may be ranked higher in YouTube results if they include a full transcription.

If you have longer transcripts, you can also optimize them for specific keywords you want to rank for. Ideally, you can incorporate keywords into the video script before you actually create and share the video, ensuring that the keywords will be in the finished transcript. A high-quality, searchable video transcript can only benefit your website’s SEO.

Better product value with transcription

If you offer a video as part of a paid product, such as a paid-access webinar, you can automatically increase the value of that product by transcribing the video. You might include the transcription as part of the main product or present it as an add-on option for an additional fee.

Either way, a video transcript can help increase revenue. It can also make the product more appealing to an undecided potential buyer.

Provides accurate and professional outsourcing

Professional video transcription services create an environment that meets your expectations with excellent customer service, timely and accurate transcription and a significant return on investment. However, high-quality transcription also depends on the quality of the audio you provide. To ensure a smooth experience, endeavor to submit audio files with good sound quality. When voices fade in and out, there is static, background noise, low speaking voices and audience members far from the microphone, transcription time is extended, which costs you money.

Transcriptions have multiple uses

Not many companies have time to write brand-new content every single day, which is why re-purposing is a vital technique in content marketing. A high-quality video transcript can be shared on other mediums or used to create other types of content. Depending on the subject of your video, the transcription can also be used to create:

A transcript may also help you create additional videos that elaborate or answer questions about the first video. Use the transcript of the first video to help pull out keywords and structure the script of a follow-up video.

In conclusion

Even if you had video scripts, you should still create video transcriptions. Sending your video files to a professional transcription agency like Translate 4 Africa Ltd is quick, easy, and affordable, and we’ll be able to give you the transcriptions that you need to create and other necessities like the .SRT files, closed captions, and subtitles to help take your content to the next level.

How to win the African market

Are you a manager or business person and you want to sell your services or products in Africa? Or are you planning on settling on the continent and creating a company? Thanks to the user-friendly online platforms like WordPress and social media, where small businesses and startups can tap the same powerful sales channels and marketing tactics used by big-budget players. In fact, brilliant entrepreneurs regularly outperform major brands by creating attention-grabbing content that attracts vast audiences worldwide.

The key to your success will be: selling well. The majority says, “It’s like everywhere!”, but the reality differs from that. In other markets, it’s just about recruiting the right people and doing some market analysis. Africa has other particularities you must consider as to win its market namely:-

Know your product and your target

Knowing who is most likely to buy your product is step one in winning the African market. The whole point of learning how to market a product effectively is to connect you with your audience and convert them into paying customers. To achieve this, you first need to identify and define who is looking for and most likely to buy your product. Having your ideal buyer in mind helps you develop an engaging product story that will make them want to buy and target your tactics to the channels they’re most likely to use.

Assuming you know your product well or you are already very familiar with the service you are going to offer. It is essential to identify your target accurately:

  • Region (Central Africa, West Africa, East Africa, etc.)
  • Country
  • Language
  • Cities (ports, capitals, etc)
  • Socio-professional categories

Checkout detailed information about these:-

  • Region

Identify which section of Africa you are more interested in for your particular product or services. Could it be in the West, East, the north, south or central of Africa?

       About Africa
Africa is the world’s second largest and most-populous continent, being behind Asia in both categories. At about 30.3 million square km (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of Earth’s total surface area and 20% of its land area. With 1.2 billion people as of 2016, it accounts for about 16% of the world’s human population. Africa’s average population is the youngest among all the continents, the median age in 2012 was 19.7, when the worldwide median age was 30.4. The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Isthmus of Suez and Red Sea to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The continent includes Madagascar and various archipelagos with Algeria as its largest country by area, and Nigeria as its largest by population. Africa contains 54 fully recognized sovereign majority of the continent and its countries are in the Northern Hemisphere, with a substantial portion and number of countries in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the only continent to stretch from the northern temperate to southern temperate zones. More about Africa. So, with this in mind, choose a region(s) that will best suit your product or service.

  • Country

After identifying the region, it’s also vital to be specific with the particular country/countries you’re targeting within that region. For-instance, in East Africa, it could be Uganda, Kenya or Tanzania, Rwanda or Burundi! Choose one or those that are most compatible with your products or services.

  • Language

I believe that it’s hard to find even a single country in the universe using a single language, right! Usually countries use various languages lets say French, Ganda, Swahili, just a few listed. If Tanzania (northern) is your focus country, it would be brilliant for you to localize your product content to Chaga language, and other dialects such as Kivunjo, Kimarangu, among others. Localizing your product content into your target country’s languages can work like magic.

  • Cities

Within the country that you yarn to win market, it’s important to identify which cities you hope to put more emphasis. For example in Uganda one can base on cities like Kampala, Jinja, Mbarara, among others depending on what you’re willing to offer and the environment. Now, one may wonder why these among the other cities? Personally I’ve never seen or heard of any business person aiming at being average, have you? We all aim at excelling beyond. The above cities have got the largest population with both business people and final consumer, in such a way that people travel from wherever to reach these cities for their desired products or services. So be critical about that as well.

Research the competition

Studying your competition can tell you a lot about the customers who buy similar products, where they shop, and how much they’re willing to spend. Many business marketing classes teach participants how to perform a SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threads) analysis. You have to start by taking a serious look at your competitors. Make a list of the businesses that offer products or services similar to the one you plan to launch. Even if you think your new product or service is entirely unique and without existing competition, it’s important to put yourself in your prospective customer’s shoes and imagine what they might buy in place of what you plan to offer. Once you decide who your competitors will be, take time to review their marketing materials, including their websites, brochures and ads. Gauge how your new product or service will stand up against what’s already being offered, in what ways you’ll excel, and which companies or their offerings pose the greatest threats to your success.

Define your marketing tactics, tools and channels

Once you know who your customer is and what your competition is up-to, you’re ready to choose your sales and marketing channels to reach buyers. Will you market online, via catalog or through dealers, for example? Generally, multi-channel marketers achieve the greatest success because customers who can shop when and however they like tend to spend more and shop more often. Suppose your strategy is to market a product to people who can’t afford high-priced home equipment. You might choose traditional direct marketing plus online sales as your primary channels, and employ tactics including direct marketing plus online sales as your primary channels, and employ tactics including direct response TV spots and online ads and email solicitations that link to your website.

Craft up a compelling story

A product story that solves a problem or elicits an emotional response is what resonates with shoppers, converts them to buyers, and makes your brand memorable. At this stage, you should have a clear understanding of what you must offer in order to stand apart from your competition and who will want to take advantage of your offer. However, do you know why customers will want to buy from you vs. the vast field of competitors out there? What benefits and features will you provide that your prospective customers will value most? All in all, make sure that your product or service “bundle” is unique and meets the needs and desires of your best prospects.

Localize your website/ content

Localization simply refers to the process of making something local in character or restricting it to a particular place. Many companies have realized a boost in global sales, have won a global brand presence, and have generated product acceptance as a direct result of their localization efforts.

As you wish to grow and look to expand to Africa, localizing your website or content is crucial to ensure successful market entry. While the World’s Internet usage has increased since the year 2000, most of the world market, in terms of internet usage, still has not been tapped leaving immense room for growth. You must look at localization as not only a strategic advantage, but as a necessity to capitalize on your growth opportunities in Africa.

Here are some of the changes that you need to make to your websites: rewriting text and translating text, modifying graphics and creating new graphics, changing colors and layout, and modifying tables, forms, databases and database fields.

Plan for long-term success

Successful product marketing is a pursuit with intermittent spirits, so planning includes a mix of long- and short-term sales channels and outreach tactics.

Test your concept and marketing approach

With all the money it takes to bring a new product or service to market, it’s risky to rush into the launch phase foregoing testing. What should you test? It’s best to examine your product or service bundle plus your marketing message and your marketing materials. Depending on what you plan to market and your budget, you can use formal focus groups or simply host round-table discussions with members of the target audience, employ online research or marketplace confront studies, or distribute your product to a select group of users for testing. Only after testing is complete, should you proceed to the final creation of your marketing tools and materials.

Unveil your campaign

Public relations often play a vital role in the launch of a product or service. You can use media relations to place articles and win interviews, get coverage by allowing key press to review your product, hold a launch event, or use popular marketing to build buzz. But no matter what publicity route you choose, first make sure your product or service is completely ready and available for purchase in order to maximize returns from the coverage you receive. And your other marketing efforts should follow closely and the heels of your press unveil. Monitor the results from all media, and in the first weeks and months, be prepared to adjust your campaign to take advantage of what’s working best.

Know your product’s life-cycle

The campaign you use during the introduction and education phase of your product or service launch will need to be updated as your product or service matures. If you’re monitoring your marketing results carefully, you’ll begin to see diminishing returns that will indicate when it’s time to revise the product or service itself, alter your media message, or even phase out this particular offering and lay the groundwork for the launch of your next great idea.

In conclusion

We’ve talked about the many product marketing tools and tactics at your disposal. However, to maximize these efforts, you really must start at your product marketing journey in Africa with a good understanding of your target buyer and competition. You can certainly consider “a know how to win market in Africa for a new product”, right; but above all, you must start with good fundamentals. Good-luck as you bundle to stow the African market.

How to Tackle Environmental Degradation Through Translations

Environmental degradation refers to the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air and soil leading to destruction of ecosystem and existent of wild life. This process can be as a result of various reasons say human activities like lumbering, bricklaying, grazing settlement and agriculture. Such activities have created various crisis on the climate change, pollution and depletion as well. With such crisis, the earth has not been spared from changes like earthquakes, floods, landslides, strong winds and a lot of natural hazards.

Instances Suffered as a Result of Environmental Degradation

Due to the natural hazards, say earthquakes, floods, and prolonged droughts, many nations have lived to regret the days of stay on planet earth.  You should note that, earthquakes kill, on average, about 20,000 people every year. Great masses all over the world are suffering consequences of degradation. In Africa many cities are hit by the strong landslides that leave many dead for example over the past years hundreds of people have been killed- countries like Uganda where hundreds of people have been displaced and many dead due to landslides in different parts of the country like Bududa. Another instance happened in January 2018, when officials in Cape Town announced that the city of 4 million people was three months away from running out of municipal water, the world was stunned. Labelled “Day Zero” by local officials and brought on by three consecutive years of anemic rainfall, April 12, 2018, was to be the date of the largest drought-induced municipal water failure in modern history.

Hope Expressed Through Professional Translations

Various groups and organizations have come up with various campaigns to educate the world about the essence of protecting the environment. These have   gone to plant trees and providing equipment’s as well like the iron bars, gas cookers, in name of solving issues related to the environment.  Campaigns like go green and Tuve ku kaveera have tried to educate different persons to avoid degrading the environment. However in regards to their effort, there is still hope that once such organizations work hand in hand with professional translation companies such catastrophes will be washed out. This can be done best through professional translation service that can avail basic information to the world at large in different languages that various people understand best. Some of these African languages include Swahili, Lingala, Oromo, Tigrinya, Somali, Bemba, Malagasy, Wolof, Luganda, Madi, Ndebele among many others. This has no exception with the European and Asian languages like German, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish and many others. Mandarin/Cantonese, Thai, Punjabi, Urdu, Indonesian/Bahasa, Malay, Hindi and many more.

The environment will hopefully be at a better position free from degradation.

The Most Deadly Strain of Ebola Strikes Again

Ebola can as well be referred to as hemorrhagic fever. Ebola is a virus disease that causes problems with how blood clots which results into internal bleeding as blood leaks from small blood vessels in one’s body. Ebola can be transmitted through direct contact with body fluids say blood, saliva, sweat, tears, mucus, vomit  of people infected with it. Therefore one should stay away from the infected in order to reduce the spread. Symptoms of the disease may comprise fever, sore throat, headache, muscular pain and diarrhea and these are most likely to appear 21 days after one has been affected. Thus with such symptoms one is required to seek early treatment before the disease cannot be treated any more.

The national laboratory (INRB) confirmed on 7 August that the current outbreak is of the Zaire Ebola virus, a deadly one and the same one that affected West Africa during the 2014-2016 outbreak.

 Historical Facts About Ebola

With the current outbreak occurring in the North Kivu (Kivu Nord) and Ituri provinces of the DRC being the most populated provinces in DRC, one should know that it is not the first.

History has that Ebola was just discovered in the early 1970 in the democratic republic of Congo formerly known as Zaire. It’s outbreak, Infected over 300 people covering over 200 deaths from then on wards, sporadic out break have occurred in Africa with an expectation of years between 1979-1994 with a death of over 400 people in year  2000.The recent outbreak started accumulating again in August 2018 from Congo and into Uganda around 9th-10th of June. With such a worry, various groups have since then come up with campaigns to fight this disease say the most popularly known UN, Red Cross and USAID. These all working hand in hand to sensitize people about the killer disease and encouraging people to report any suspicion of the disease early to the concerned persons. They have as well gone ahead to educate people on how to live Ebola free.

Declare a Global Emergency

In 2014, the WHO’s decision to declare the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern or PHEIC — came less than five months after the virus was detected. At that point, there had been fewer than 1,000 deaths.

In the current outbreak, the WHO’s emergency committee debated the issue three times — in October, April and just last month, as the outbreak enters its second year. But the emergency committee concluded that the ongoing response would not be enhanced by formal temporary recommendations from WHO.”

For example, a declaration could inadvertently provoke travel bans, visa cancellations and trade freezes, which would further devastate the fragile region’s economy while making health workers’ jobs more difficult. International health regulations forbid such actions, but they happen anyway. Fifty-eight countries restricted travel from West Africa during the 2014-2016 epidemic, and several airlines ceased flights to and from the region.

Research also suggests that the decision to declare a global emergency is often influenced by an outbreak’s degree of impact on the United States. In 2014, the PHEIC designation came just six days after infected health workers first arrived the United States.

Sensitize People about the Killer Disease

One wise man once said that two heads are better than one. Therefore with such a saying most preferably groups should vividly work hand in hand with professional translation companies to sensitize people about the disease. Despite that people still believe that this disease is meant to steal from them by foreigners so as to make money, there is still a better way to educate the masses on how to eradicate this epidemic. This can be done best through professional translation service that can avail basic information to the world at large in different languages that various people understand best. Some of these African languages include Swahili, Lingala, Yoruba, Tigrinya, Somali, Bemba, Kinyarwanda, Rukiga, Madi, Ndebele among many others. This has no exception with the European and Asian languages like German, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish and many others. Mandarin/Cantonese, Thai, Punjabi, Urdu, Indonesian/Bahasa, Malay, Hindi and many more.

Wildlife will live to fight another Day

Wildlife refers to the flora and fauna that a given country poses. These include both mammals and species of birds. Countries like Uganda have got over 364 bird spices and 364 mammal spices that are worthy protecting such spices include Lions, Leopards, Elephants and Gorillas. Thus different organizations worldwide have risen up to protect such spices. These include AWF, UWA, WWF, UCF and WCS in different countries respectively. Wild life lives in gazetted areas like zoos, national game parks and gazetted areas. Wildlife is known to be peaceful and less harmful once kept in their natural homes

Wildlife Endangerment

Governments are trying to guard wildlife through the laws in different countries so as to save a life for these wild cultures. For example, a law in parliament to jail poachers for 20 years has been enacted in Uganda. In countries like Kenya governments have gone ahead to put harsh measures like a death penalty for wildlife poachers. Poachers refer to people that illegally hunt down wildlife. These poach animals for their own benefits like ivory, skin and hides and other selfish benefits that are perhaps more important compared to the lives of these creatures. Research shows that over 2000 wildlife has been killed worldwide with over 1028 Rhinos illegally killed in south Africa in 2017 while 87 elephants by September 2018 had been killed by poachers in Africa while in same year 90 elephants were killed between July and September in Botswana only in south Africa and 3890 tigers have been reported threatened by the same act. The activities of such people have left these creatures restless and helpless as they live a life of an assured early death.

Saving wildlife through Translation Services

Better late than never, there is still hope that professional translation services can still be an effective chance to save these creatures. Imagine sensitizing people about wildlife and its beneficial factors to the economy through the languages they understand better. Perhaps people in such areas surrounded by rich nature would understand and be able to value its stay in the world. A lot of people are challenged with knowing the advantages that arise from wildlife since many blogs, brochures about the same are not translated in their mother tongue. Translation services can be provided in any language of your preference in all corners of the world. Such professional translation services include: various African languages such as Swahili, Afrikaans, Lingala, Yoruba, Luganda, Berber, Hausa, Fulani, Somali and many more. European languages such as German, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish and many others. Asian languages provided include Mandarin/Cantonese, Thai, Punjabi, Urdu, Indonesian/Bahasa, Malay, Hindi and many more.

These above if well employed by the beneficiaries and concerned persons can be used to educate the masses about the essence of wildlife. Organizations like UWA, UCF, UWEC and UWS once they work hand in hand with professional service providers will be saving a life and enabling wildlife to live a less cruel and harmless life and above all become more productive for the future which benefits the world and its economy at large.  

Survival through Sanitation Sensitization

Sanitation issues vividly impact life in Africa; over 2.5 billion people in developing countries of Africa don’t have access to basic sanitation. Sanitation refers to conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean water and adequate treatment and disposal of human excreta and wastewater. Sanitation advocates for proper hygiene among different societies. Proper hygiene calls for activities like access to clean water, pit latrines, solid waste handling and plague control.

Why Sensitization is the Way Forward

Sanitation seems a joke to many people as they seeminglessly act unconcerned, however the joke is catching up with many of them having symptoms of poor sanitation turning out to be more expensive to cure than prevention. Research indicates that over 315000 children in Africa die from diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery and typhoid every year due to poor sanitation indicates like unclean water. The recent cholera outbreak is evident of poor sanitation in the world. Countries like Uganda have reported 43 suspected cases by January and in Kenya reports show a total of 843 cases where 34 are confirmed and 3 deaths reported by January 2019. This brief incite is not the end of it all however because more cases are arising in Africa and the world at large.  Governments through various organizations have teamed up to help masses on how to deal with sanitation though their actions are still ineffective as portrayed by the increasingly in number cases of symptoms of poor sanitation.

Translation a Better Option for Sanitation Sensitization

Though various stakeholders have come up with helpful campaigns to help different communities promote sanitation, something is still missing in their endeavors. This is non-other than jointly working with profession translation service providers. It’s through translations of various languages that sensitization can be effective. Some of the language translations provided include;

Madi translation services

Runyankole translation services

Rukiga translation services

Oromo translation services

chewa translation services

Wolof translation services

Yoruba translation Services

Karimojong translation services

Malagasy Translation Services

Acholi translation services

These, if well utilized can be a better option to promote sanitation sensitization. Translations carry information to various groups of people with a lot of easy of understanding, love and professionalism in languages that they understand best. Many people out there may be availed with all that it takes to promote hygiene and perhaps they are not properly informed on how to use that information in the best way possible. Thus a necessary evil to employ professional service providers to carry on their duty. Hence translation a better option to carry on sensitization for sanitation.

A number of people are not aware of how to avoid diseases carried through poor hygienes all because of lack of knowledge and language barriers in which such information is being passed on. Many brocures creating awareness on health and sanitaion are not translated hence becoming a hindering point to such people.

My argument on this would be to faccilitate professional translation services in the sanitation sensitization programs in order to reach a number of people regardless of the languages they do speak to render the sensitization fully effective in the long run.

The Reason we Need Tourism Translation Services

Tourism is an act of temporary movement of people to different destination outside their usual environment to another environment for leisure, business or other purposes for usually not more than one consecutive year. It also involves spending time away from home in pursuit for recreation, fun and relaxation in order to cater for their needs.

Tourism can be done both locally and internationally. Local tourism involves being within the traveler’s country while international tourism involves being outside the traveler’s country. Tourism involves movement of the tourist to different places like zoos, national parks, cities and recreation centre for leisure and fun.

 Translation as an Essential for Tourism

Over the world, research has it that language barriers are still a huge obstacle to people deciding to travel, 30% adults in the USA don’t travel due to language barrier. This implies that the tourism industry losses a lot of money due to language barrier thus a need for professional translation services. Tourism gets more enjoyable and interesting once the travelers get well “conversant” with the language used in the new area. Conversant comprises of quality communication through translating in the language that the traveler best understands.

Through profession translational services that equip tourists with quality information and communication, tourists are encouraged to engage in more movements in Africa and the world at large which boosts the economy continentally. With translations, tourists have no worries as they gain confidence in the respective country. This greatly strengthens and builds the tourism industry and the economy at large thus the viability and essence of translation to tourism.

Quick glimpse of some of the most visited sites in Africa

Most visited places comprise of cities in South Africa like Cape Town with   1.6 million tourists and Johannesburg with over 4 million  tourists in 2014 according to MasterCard rating.  More places like the great migration Tanzania, Table Mountain in Cape Town, mountain Gorillas in Rwanda and Victoria falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe are also some of the most visited places in Africa and continuing to attract more people.

Though tourism is full of fun and leisure, it comes with a lot of costs like change in surroundings, behavior and language. These costs are incurred by both the local and international tourists and such costs if not taken note of more so language, the fun and leisure can turn into misery and regret for the tourists. This is because language enhances communication which is a basis for the act of tourism. Hence the need for professional translation services. Some of the language translation services provided in different African countries include;

Malagasy translation services

Oromo translation services

Acholi translation services

Tigrinya translation services

Somali translation services

Madi translation services

Yoruba translation Services

Wolof translation services

Kinyarwanda translation services

chewa translation services

Tourism would never have been called tourism if it were not the fun that one earns from the act of touring .This is however earned best if only quality communication through translations is prevailed thus making tourism better.