
Tag: Professional Translation Services

Why is a Sworn translation important?

What is a sworn/certified/legal/notary public translation? A Sworn translation simply refers to an authorized translation service, used to translate legal documents or certificates. The document is endorsed by the signature and seal of a sworn Translator who is authorized by the foreign office to translate official documents. This endorsement grants…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

Machine Translation Errors

Machine translation (MT) is still a huge challenge for both IT developers and users. From the initiation of machine translation, problems at the semantic levels have been faced. Machine translation can be referred to as the process by which computer software is used to translate a text from one natural…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

The beauty of mastering/learning a new language

Being able to communicate in a second language can be a privilege, especially when we are in this globalization era. How! Find-out here below in the article why and how learning a new language adds value to your life. Benefits of learning a new language It aids with brain growth…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

How professional can marketing translation and localization be done?

Majority of companies exploit the chance to take their business across borders with excitement! Unaware of the fact that they’re about to join the infamous rank of international marketing fails. They think they’re taking along plenty of hard-earned know-how from home. But sometimes this all pales in comparison to a…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

Website localization most effective points not to miss

Do you have an urge to expand your brand’s global markets? Website translation is one step not to miss. However, having your website content translated may not achieve you much. That is why it’s vital for you to go past just translation to website localization. Localization is vital to your…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

Bilingual (English & African French) status almost mars Cameroon Election polls

Cameroon has 230 indigenous languages! Yes, you read right with 55 of these languages being national languages, 3 being lingua franca and 2 which are English & African French being the country’s official languages thus being referred to as both Francophone and Anglophone. (more…)

Tag: Professional Translation Services

Zimbabwe, the Guinness World Record Holder

Once known as the ‘Jewel of Africa’ for its prosperity, Zimbabwe is a country with the most official languages in Africa. This comes as a result of having 16 official languages legally codified by Zimbabwe’s new constitution after breaking their cordial neighbor’s record, South Africa who had only 11. Zimbabwe’s…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

The Oxfam Saga in African countries

Oxfam has been making headlines a while ago and all for the wrong reasons which is very ironic given the fact that this is a combination of about 17 charitable organisations operating in 90 countries including African countries like Nigeria, yet one would think it is only mentioned for bringing relief…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

When will Africa prioritize her Languages?

In 2004 Chissano while bidding farewell s the then African Union chairman, he used the Swahili language even though it is not his mother tongue. Swahili spoken by more than 100 million people on the African continent is a lingua franca created from Arabic and several other languages and popular…

Tag: Professional Translation Services

Diversity in Africa; Culture and Languages

By Angela Kyolaba Africa comes second to the Asian continent when it comes to the biggest number of languages! Apparently while Asia has more than 2000, Africa on the other hand is estimated to have over 1000 languages. Even with all the indigenous languages Africa is blessed with, there are…