Hehehe, this is very ironic because Israel is synonymous with being gracious, good and generous however, this doesn’t seem to be the case for the unfortunate African immigrants who are on the verge of expulsion come April. It should be noted that most of these immigrants fled mostly insecurity and persecutions from their home countries.
Well, decades ago the Jews were being persecuted especially by the Nazi regime of Hitler and were hunted down all over Europe with those captured placed in concentration camps where most of them lost their lives. So it is weird that there is little or no compassion for their African counterparts. Whereas the latter are not being tortured or killed, they are faced with a threat of being taken back to Africa where they originally escaped harsh conditions.
Eritrea; Most of those who came or come to Egypt from Eritrea were seeking political asylum after political torture from their home country. Here most of the refugees flee to the North through Sudan then Egypt before finally getting into Israel.
Sudan; from here people were fleeing violence
It is alleged that since the year 2005, African immigrants have been entering into Israel with numbers said to have been 60,000 until there was instability in the peninsular, Israel tighten her border security and the new escape route to Europe through Libya.
The immigrants have been given three months to leave the country and go back to their original countries. Leave for third countries like Rwanda and Uganda or face imprisonment.
The bait here is that those who agree to leave will be given over 3000 dollars with air travel costs covered while those who won’t relent will face imprisonment.
Those exempted from this expulsion include children, the elderly and those who got into the country as a result of human trafficking.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls these people escaping persecution from their home countries infiltrators looking for work. This has encouraged racism and degradation of the immigrants by certain officials working on their cases.
However there has been an outpouring of sympathy for African immigrants not only from the international community but also from Israel by those citing the holocaust as the main reason as to why these asylum seekers should be granted stay.